Wednesday, November 23, 2016

From the Hip

I've talked about doing this series 'from the hip' a few times.  While some of the images would be in my head upon starting a page or panel, most of the time the image comes when the ink hits the paper.  I like to do straight ink as opposed to penciling first, for this kind of art anyway.  Give it a try, using ink, paint, what have you.  I always end up surprising myself, drawing something that I don't even understand.  You may end up surprising yourself.  I'm going to be continuing with #32 soon but currently I'm still swamped with projects.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

31 Days of Art

 Coma's End
Art Series by Christopher Michael Carter

Coma's End #31

This will actually be the last one for a short time as I'm currently swamped with projects; Dennis & I are hard at work on our monster comic Tourniquet and I'm working my ass off on a secret surprise project for my friends at 52 Weeks of Horror.
Tentacle creatures, shapes, a flower thing with a fetus in the center, and more.

This was a photo I took partway through.  The creature coming from the mailbox was in my head the moment the pen touched the paper.  Next came the demon/monster head thing looking down in the second panel before adding these mountainous shapes.  Then the fetus was the starter for the third.  I didn't really know what would be joining all of these images until they came from the pen.

If you have one tiny image in your head, draw it, and then shoot from the hip on the rest of the image.

Coma's End will return very soon but, as I said, I'm currently swamped with some important projects.